
HorliX is a medical viewer based on Horos and OsiriX.

The origin of HorliX is HorosJ which is a japanese version of Horos published in github.

One day air-h-128k-il, one of the contributors of HorosJ and Horos projects, changed his source codes in order to run HorosJ/Horos under full 64bit mode.

It was when HorliX came into the world.

Now HorliX has several features apart from Horos and/or OsiriX Lite:

  • fully 64bit software including libralies
  • unique UI(for example, ROI-color-rotation-UI)

‘HorliX’ was named after not ony Horos/OsiriX but also ‘Horlicks’ , a female legendary race horse  in NZ.



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